These instructions describe how to flash a single file on the StreamStor board using
the Windows ssflash program from SDK 9.x or newer.
In the steps, it is assumed that you have installed the StreamStor software
in C:\Program Files\StreamStor.
Note that you should not run any other processor intensive programs on your
system while trying to flash the board. Also, please be sure that you are
not running any programs that are attached to the StreamStor card that you
want to flash.
| IMPORTANT: Do not interrupt the ssflash program! |
1. Copy the file you want to flash to C:\Program Files\StreamStor.
2. Open a cmd (DOS) window. In this window, change directory to:
C:\Program Files\StreamStor
3. At the command prompt, execute the program that flashes the StreamStor by
entering: support\ssflash
The ssflash program will prompt you for the card index, etc.
SSFlash Version# 2.52
1. Flash a single file.
2. Flash using PCI the files in the .ssf file.
3. Verify a .ssf file, don't flash anything.
4. Quit
Enter choice:
You will be flashing a single file, so enter "1" as the Operation.
You will be prompted for the name of the file to flash:
Enter flash update filename (*.xfb) or q to quit:
Enter the name of the file, for example ssamex_16071.xfb.
You will be prompted for the data path:
Flash over which data path:
1. PCI
2. Ethernet
3. Quit
Enter choice (1,2 or 3):
In most cases, you will want to flash over the PCI bus, so enter 1.
You will be prompted for the index of the StreamStor card:
Enter card index (1,2,...) or q to quit: 1
If you have only one StreamStor, enter 1. Otherwise, enter the appropriate
StreamStor card index for the StreamStor card to be flashed.
You will have an opportunity to quit (i.e., cancel the flash)or to initiate
the flash. You will see this prompt:
Will flash <filename> on StreamStor device <cardIndex>.
WARNING: Updating StreamStor firmware may require rebuilding
user applications with updated StreamStor libraries.
Enter 'y' to start flashing, any other character to quit:
Once you enter "y" the flash process begins. You will then see the message:
Flashing file <filename>. Please wait...
Again, while the flash is in progress, it is critical that you do not
interrupt it. The flash process may take several minutes to complete.
When flashing is complete, you will get this message:
File <filename> successfully flashed.
Getting final version numbers ...
***** Final Versions *****
followed by the new version numbers for the StreamStor.
To confirm that flash worked, run the StreamStor-Config program to verify
that you now see the expected version numbers.
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